Just a dude living on a ship, rambling about God, and sharing my daily bread.

Hi, my name is Zach Franke. Thanks for checking out The Daily Crumb. Peep the vibe yo and stick around if you’re a wild one too! This is just the beginning. [RAWR]

I build my planes on the way down. I like to think I have a nitty gritty faith forged in the trenches of living with some definite neurodivergency (ADHD) Sprinkled in🎉. Husband/Father/Rock Bottom Reborn Christian.

That’s a teensy on me…who are you?

The "Get to know Z" Long-form Episodes 🎬 ⬇️

  • Episode 01 - The Daily Crumb

    Episode 1 - Enter at your own risk ⚠️

    Want to peel the onion on me and what I'm all about? Come on in, the water's warm! 🫶🏼

  • Episode 2 - Why We're Living in Africa

    Episode 2 - Why We're living on a Hospital Ship in Africa

    In early 2024, I quit my job, we sold the house and our family of 5 moved to Freetown, Sierra Leone.

  • Episode 003 - The Daily Crumb

    Episodes 03 - My Feeble Thoughts on a Jacked up America

    If you're looking for my opinion (I can't imagine why you would be 😂)...here it is.

(Haven’t started sending any yet)…Eventually you’ll get emails from me when I have more stuff to share. It’ll be an open whatever you want, when you want, absorb what’s useful, and ditch the rest kind of thing. :)

Stay in touch friend! 🦅🎉

hi there, 🤝 i’m Zach!

Hello, fellow traveler! Maybe I’m like some of you: life hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows, but I fight for both every day. ☀️🌈 ✊🏼(Let’s gooooo!)

I’ve battled doubt, addiction, bankruptcy, struggled with purpose, and wondered where God is in the chaos.

However, through small, daily steps, awesome support, and what I call “grace and grit”, I’ve seen multiple transformations—and I believe you can too.

My simple immediate mission is to start where I am and share something every day as a way to start building this platform.

Over time, I have much bigger plans to help a lot of people. (God willing)

Stick around?

Let’s rise together, eh? 🚀